
Omid Shabestari

Omid Shabestari
Adjunct Assistant Professor

MD (Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran), PhD (City University, London)

Dr. Omid Shabestari graduated as MD from the School of Medicine at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran in 1999 and obtained PhD in Health Informatics from City University London in 2010.

His career started since 1994 in Health, Medical and Pharmaceutical Informatics at consultancy and management levels. He has been member of Iran Medical Council as a GP since 2000, British Computer Society as a committee member from 2008 to 2011, UK Council for Health Information Professions (UKCHIP) as a Level 3 member from 2008 to 2011 and Canada's Health Informatics Association (COACH) since 2011.

  • Observational Studies (Cohort, cross-sectional, and case-control)
  • Interventional Studies (Pre-test/Post-test, Randomized Clinical Trials)
  • Evaluation of Health Information Systems
  • Questionnaire design and validation
  • Advanced statistical methods, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence
  • Missing Data analysis and data quality assurance
  • Systems Theory (SSM, System dynamics)
  • Telemedicine
  • Nymark L.S, Davies P, Shabestari O and McNeil I. Analysis of the impact of the Birmingham OwnHealth® program on secondary care utilization and cost: a retrospective cohort study, Telemedicine and e-Health, In press.
  • Naghavi HR, Shabestari O, Alcolado J. Post-traumatic stress disorder in trainee doctors with previous needlestick injuries, Occupational Medicine, 2013.
  • Shabestari O, Roudsari A. Challenges in data quality assurance for electronic health records; Stud Health Technol Inform, 2013.
  • Wu J, Waldron J, Hood S, Kahnamelli A, Khan M, Barnnet J, French J, Slager S, Melhem S and Shabestari O. The introduction and evaluation of mobile devices to improve access to patient records: a catalyst for innovation and collaboration at BCCA; Stud Health Technol Inform, 2013.
  • Naghavi HR, Shabestari O, Roudsari A & Harrison J. Design and validation of a questionnaire for measuring the attitude of hospital staff concerning pandemic influenza; Journal of Infection and Public Health, 2012
  • Nymark LS, McNeil I, Shabestari O & Mendelsohn R. Telehealth service in the UK: does it impact on patient outcomes? International Journal of Integrated Care, 2011.
  • Roudsari A & Shabestari O. Measuring the influence from collaborators in diabetes education using Web 2.0 technologies. eHealth 2011, Toronto, Canada
  • Shabestari O & Roudsari A. A requirement engineering approach for improving the quality of diabetes education websites Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011; 164:261-6.
  • Shabestari O, Gooch P, Goddard K, Golchin K, Kay J & Roudsari A. Evaluation of alert-based monitoring in a computerised blood transfusion management system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011; 164:361-6.
  • Golchin K, Gooch P, Shabestari O & Roudsari A. Usability evaluation of a pilot implementation of the Electronic Clinical Transfusion Management System IT specification for blood tracking; Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011; 164: 219-24.
  • Farahani-rad S, Shabestari O, Naghavi H.R, Harrison J, Roudsari A. Predicting the nurses attitude toward sickness absence in pandemic flu using business intelligence models. ICOH 2010, Morocco.
  • Naghavi HR & Shabestari O; Post-traumatic stress reactions in doctors with experience of needlestick injury. HPA Pointers 2010. London, UK
  • Goddard K, Shabestari O, Kay J, Roudsari A. Evaluating the importance level of different aspects of electronic blood transfusion system from the end users’ point of view. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2010;160(Pt 2):1211-5 (selected among the top papers of the conference)
  • Sadeghi MR, Shabestari O, Akhoundi MM, Maleki H, Hamzehzadeh H, Sadat-sadeghi E, Ebadi P, Ebrahimi-abed F, Zeraati H. Designing and founding of twins' data bank in Iran. Payesh. 2009, 8:123-133.
  • Shabestari O, Roudsari A. Potential Return on Investment (RoI) on web-based diabetes education in UK. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009;143: 258-263.
  • Shabestari O, Roudsari A. Potentials of Web 2.0 for diabetes education of adolescent patients. Proceeding of eHealth 2008: Electronic healthcare for the 21st century. 2008; 205-208.
  • Goddard K., Shabestari O., Adriano J., Kay J, Roudsari A. NHS Blood Tracking Pilot: City University Evaluation Project. Proceeding of eHealth 2008: Electronic healthcare for the 21st century. 2008; 179-182.
  • Akhondzadeh S, Tajdar H, Mohammadi MR, Mohammadi M, Nouroozinejad GH, Shabestari OL, Ghelichnia HA. A Double-blind Placebo Controlled Trial of Piracetam Added to Risperidone in Patients with Autistic Disorder. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev.2008; 39: 237-45.
  • Chamani L., Zeraati H., Asgari S., Shabestari O., Soltan Gharaee H. & Shodjaee H A. Sero-epidemiological evaluation of CMV, Toxoplasma, Hepatitis Type B, C in patients admitted at Avesina Infertility Clinic. J Inf & Tropical Dis. 2007; 35: 59-63.
  • Akhondi MM, Behjati-ardakani Z, Arefi S, Sadri-ardakani H, Arabi M, Zarnani AH, Chamani-tabriz L, Shabestari O. A closer look at natural and in-vitro fertilization as well as the need for donated gametes in treatment of infertility. Payesh. 2007; 6: 307-321.
  • Ahmadi-Abhari S.A., Akhondzadeh S., Assadi S.M., L. Shabestari O., Farzanegan Z.M. & Kamalipour A. Baclopen versus clonidine in the treatment of opiates withdrawal, side effects aspect: A double blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 2001; 26: 67-71.
  • Akhondzadeh S., Ahmadi-Abhari S.A., Assadi S.M., L. Shabestari O., Kashani A.R. & Farzanegan Z.M. Double blind randomized controlled trial of baclofen in the treatment of opiates withdrawal. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 2000; 25: 347-353.
  • Akhondzadeh S., Shahsavand E., Jamilian H.R., L. Shabestari O. L. & Kamalipour A. Dipyridamole in the treatment of schizophrenia: adenosine-dopamine receptor interaction. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 2000; 25: 131-138.
  • Akhondzadeh S., Emamian E., Abhari. S.A. & L. Shabestari O. Is it time to have another look at lithium in bipolar disorder? Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 1999; 23: 1111-7.
  • Akhondzadeh S., Ahmadi-Abhari S.A., Assadi S.M. & L. Shabestari O. Double-blind randomized controlled trial of baclofen in the treatment of opiates withdrawal. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 2000; 5: 347-53.
  • Akhondzadeh S., Shahsavand E., Jamilian H.R. & L. Shabestari O. Dipridamole in the treatment of schizophrenia: adenosine-dopamine receptor interaction. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 2000; 2:131-7
  • Akhondzadeh S., Shabestari, O & Farzanegan, ZM. Potentiation of muscimol-induced long-term depression by diazepam and chlordiazepoxide. Br. J. Pharmacology. 2000; 129: 163
  • Akhondzadeh S., Noorbala A.A., Davari-Ashtani R., Amini-Nooshabadi H. & L. Shabestari O. Piracetam in the treatment of schizophrenia: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 2000; 49: 507.