
Thomas Rosenal

Thomas Rosenal
Adjunct Associate Professor

BSc (University of Calgary), MD (University of Calgary), MSc (University of Calgary)

Dr. Thomas Rosenal is a critical care physician with 27 years of clinical experience who has been involved in clinical informatics projects, research and education.  In his most recent role as Medical Director of Clinical Informatics at the Calgary Health Region, Tom’s largest project was the implementation of a clinical information system that now supports all 2000 patients in Calgary’s four hospitals.  Activated starting in 2006, this system is used by over 1,600 physicians and 12,000 staff and is characterized by an order management rate of over 20,000 orders daily, voluntary rates of direct order entry by all physicians in excess of 70%, has an integrated electronic Medication Administration Record and provides sophisticated decision support to enhance access, safety and quality of care.  This project won the 2007 American Medical Directors of Information Systems organizational award for Calgary.  Tom is currently engaged in consulting, education and research in clinical system design, change management, adoption and evaluation.

Associate Professor Emeritus  –  Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary
Honorary Medical Staff  –  Department of Critical Care Medicine, Alberta Health Services
Founding Medical Director  –  Clinical Informatics, Alberta Health Services (Calgary Zone)
Adjunct Associate Professor  –  School of Health Information Science, 番茄社区