
Bruce Carleton

Bruce Carleton
Adjunct Professor

B.Pharm (Washington State University, USA), Pharm.D. (University of Utah, USA)

Dr. Carleton’s lifelong goal is to make medication use more effective and safer for all patients, particularly children. His research focus is on the impact of drug therapy on human health and quality of life. He is particularly interested in developing better ways to evaluate the effectiveness of drugs, medication-use models designed to improve patient health, as well as practical surveillance systems to improve the safe use of medication.

A key element of Dr. Carleton's research is the communication of results to clinicians, patients, healthcare administrators, and government officials – those who also hold responsibilities to improve patient care and our systems of healthcare delivery.

In addition to his appointment as Professor of Paediatrics and Chair of the Division of Translational Therapeutics, Department of Pediatric Medicine at UBC, Dr. Carleton is a Senior Clinician Scientist at BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute. He directs the Pharmaceutical Outcomes Programme at BC Children’s Hospital and he has served in this capacity since 1994. He holds appointments at UBC in the Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, the School of Population & Public Health and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the School of Health Information Science, 番茄社区. Dr. Carleton’s public service is expansive. It includes serving as a charter member on the national Canadian Expert Drug Advisory Committee. Dr. Carleton was recently asked to serve the US Government as a Special Government Employee to advise the Advisory Committee for Pharmaceuticals and Clinical Pharmacology of the FDA.