
Marge Benham-Hutchins

Marge Benham-Hutchins
Associate Adjunct Professor

ADN (Tarleton State University, USA), BSc (University of Texas at Arlington, USA), MSc (University of Texas at Arlington, USA), PhD (University of Arizona, USA)

Dr. Benham-Hutchins has been a registered nurse since 1995. Her clinical background includes medical/surgical, ICU, and nephrology. She completed her MSN with a focus on Nursing Administration and a minor in management information systems. She earned her PhD in nursing from the University of Arizona with a substantive research focus of Health Informatics and a minor in Health Systems.

Dr. Benham-Hutchins joined the faculty in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi as an Associate Professor and Interim Chair of the Department of Biobehavioral Nursing in the Fall 2019. She is currently a tenured Associate Professor. Previously she held faculty positions at Northeastern University in Boston, Texas Womans University, and the University of Texas at Austin. She has taught in BSN, RN to MSN, MSN, DNP, and PhD programs. Courses include quality/safety, leadership, informatics, research, theory, and nursing education. She is also an associate editor of the Journal of Participatory Medicine and a lifetime member of the Society of Participatory Medicine.

Her research is guided by the principles of complexity science and includes the use of social network analysis to examine nursing unit communication patterns and relationships to patient outcomes. Ongoing research focuses on patient access to medical information during hospitalization, including participation in nursing bedside shift change report and medical rounds, influences chronic disease self-management. The “Bridge the Gap” research projects include the patient as a member of the health care team and examine facilitators and barriers to patient access to medical information during hospitalization and patient perceptions on how information access during hospitalization influences their ability to manage their chronic disease after discharge. Current research projects include the influence of “no visitor allowed” policies on patient/caregiver/provider communication and reducing diagnostic error by including the patient and the full health care team in the diagnostic process. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has influenced her current research:  No Visitors Allowed - In-Patient, Family, and Provider communication during a Pandemic and an interdisciplinary project: Masked Politics: Mixed Messages from the Texas Governor during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Dr. Benham-Hutchins is an active member of the Society to Improve Diagnostic error and leading a group that is exploring the reduction of diagnostic error by including the patient and the full health care team (including nurses) in the diagnostic process.

Dr. Benham-Hutchins is also an advocate for the Celiac Disease patient community, a lifetime member of the Society of Participatory Medicine, Co-editor off the Journal of Participatory Medicine, and proud co-chair TAMUCC Island Cat Assistant Team (iCat).