
Dr. Lisa McEwen

Dr. Lisa McEwen
Adjunct Assistant Professor

BSc (番茄社区), PhD (University of British Columbia)

Lisa completed a PhD in the Department of Medical Genetics at the University of British Columbia in 2018. Her research focused on understanding population genomics and epi-genomics related to the aging across the human life course, which led to >25 peer-reviewed publications during her Doctorate degree as well as a number of scholarships and awards. She developed a passion for biostatistics and analyzing health-related data through this research and pursued a position with Island Health in Victoria, BC, where she is now a Clinical Data Consultant in Decision Support. Her role is centred on harnessing the utility of clinical data, such as those collected from the electronic health record, to support decision-making purposes within the Health Authority. She is passionate about the field of Clinical Data Science and hopes to continue to contribute to this area through academic teaching, knowledge translation, and collaborative research activities.