
Making a difference in the lives of children, youth, families and communities

Connect with a diverse and dynamic group of students and faculty who will make a difference in the lives of children, youth, families and communities. Challenge yourself through our courses taught and/or developed by internationally recognized academics.

The School of Child and Youth Care offers a rich educational experience that supports practice and research with children, youth families and communities who are experiencing challenges. Our faculty, students and staff are involved in multiple local, national and international research and educational initiatives. Our mission statement and mutually agreed values guide our work.

The school would like to extend congratulations to the following graduate award winners:

  • Fikile Nxumalo, PhD student
UVic Fellowships:
  • Emily Ashton, PhD student
  • Cherie Toronchuk, MA student
  • Kimberley Ainsworth, MA student
UVic Graduate Awards:
  • Ann Fisher, PhD student
  • Nicole Land, MA student
Outstanding Graduate Entrance Scholarship:
  • Priscilla Healey, MA student
  • Anna Verspoor, MA student

The school would like to extend congratulations to the following undergraduate award winners:

Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award:
  • Mattie Walker, BCYC student
  • Angela Cooper
  • Jessica Renfrew

Awards and grants archive

Sessional Instructor employment opportunities for Fall and Winter session of the 2012-2013 academic year.

See the agencies section for community employment opportunities 

The School of Child and Youth Care provides education, training, professional development and research for the care and support of children, youth, families and their communities. The work of the School of Child and Youth Care is grounded in the principles of inclusion, social justice and ethical practice.

In order to achieve this mission the school has 3 major goals:

  • To provide university level education in child and youth care through the delivery of an inclusive curriculum that addresses the cultural competencies, knowledge, skills, and self awareness/development necessary for child and youth care professionals to meet the highest standards of professional practice.
  • To undertake innovative theoretical, empirical and applied research that represents diverse populations, contexts, histories, epistemologies, knowledges and experiences.
  • To provide leadership in the areas of social advocacy, education, research and professional development while supporting the initiative of others in enhancing services, public policies, the evolution of the field and the promotion of social justice.
  • Focus on strengths – build on assets and resources to form positive professional identities and skills for ethical, collaborative practice.
  • Self awareness – promote reflection and articulation of self location to ensure respectful, accountable practice across cultures and social groups.
  • Inclusion – foster respect for and encouragement of diversity.
  • Collaborative practice – promote family-centred practice, community capacity building, and partnerships across sectors to achieve developmental goals for children and youth.
  • Social justice – advocate for de-colonizing policies, practices, and relationships that recognize historical injustices and promote equitable opportunities for holistic development.
  • Accountability – draw upon established evidence of effective practices and innovate promising practices that are accountable to the children and families served.
  • Knowledge construction – contribute to understandings about development across cultures and contexts and ways to improve opportunities for well-being.
  • Pluralistic and social justice perspectives - critically attend to diversity, inclusion, cultural attunement and advocacy within practice.
  • Ecological perspective - draw upon ecological perspectives to inform practice.

SCYC curriculum is informed by our values and mission. Read more.