
Meagan Saulnier

Meagan Saulnier
School-Based Youth and Family Counsellor
Craigflower Elementary

BCYC (2010)

Meag is a Youth and Family Counselor in a public school that neighbours two local First Nations communities: Songhees and Esquimalt nations. Meag looks back on her experiences and learning at the School of Child and Youth Care and remembers calling for more Indigenous-centred content and faculty. Meag continues to be a fierce advocate for culturally-informed curricula and to centre Indigenous knowledges. She identifies as a mixed ancestry woman of Mi'kmaq and European descent and works passionately with children to be proud of their Indigenous heritage and to rightfully take their place in creating a better world for themselves and their communities. You will find Meag at events where she brings the school children with her to experience and participate in cultural practices, such as drumming and singing.