
Kay Otani

Kay Otani
Settlement Worker in Schools
Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria

BCYC (2011)

Kay Otani is a Settlement Worker in Schools (SWIS) with the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria. His role takes him to multiple school districts in the Greater Victoria area. As a SWIS, he supports newcomer children, youth and families settle and integrate into their schools and community by working with them on their settlement issues. His role involves the organization of group information sessions, facilitating culturally sensitive communication between school staff and families, promoting respect for diversity in the schools and community and much more.

As a graduate of the Child and Youth Care program, I practice theories of human growth and development that I have gained through the program in my work in the life space of children and youth. Strength-based approaches to intervention, client-centred approach and promoting cultural competencies are essential to my practice. I also have learned through the CYC program that working with children, youth and their families is an honor and a privilege. By acknowledging these skill sets and values that shape me as a professional, I am truly grateful of my time, experience and learning with the CYC program.