
Carinna Kenigsberg

Carinna Kenigsberg
Program Manager
Power To Be

BA - CYC (2003)

Carinna manages the day-to-day operations of Power To Be’s Adaptive Recreation team. She trains and supports a phenomenal team in running inclusive nature-based programs for people living with a barrier or disability. She develops partnerships and collaborates on internal and external community based events to share Power To Be’s vision, philosophy and unique ability-centered approach. She has worked with people with diverse needs for more than 20 years and believes that nature has the power to transform, teach and support people.

UVic gave me the palette to share my colorful vision I have toward supporting people living with barriers. It offered me a place to learn in a style that suited me best which unleashed my talent, as well as offered me a great location to form roots. Through my work at Power To Be I support practicum students from the School of Child and Youth Care and feel that the community of educators and students promotes positive professionals in our field who have a clear grasp about their goals and how they are going to achieve them.