
Zillah (Hobart) Wood Graduate Scholarship in Nursing

Dr. B. Anne Wood established this award in memory of her mother-in-law Mrs. Zillah (Hobart) Wood who worked as a nurse in the Ukraine during WWI.  A diary of her experiences is available as an appendix.  After the death of her husband in Wales from tetanus she moved to England and then Madeira with her young son Connla.  At the outbreak of WWII, she fled to Victoria with her son and worked as a nurse at the Jubilee Hospital.  She then moved to Ottawa when Connla began his career with the Federal Government and worked as a mother-craft nurse.  During the summer she worked at Camp Kandalore in Muskoka as the camp nurse.  She also sang in various choirs and played leading roles in Ottawa Little Theatre productions.  She died of cancer in 1967, just before she was scheduled to give an account of her Ukrainian experiences for CBC’s 50th anniversary commemoration of the Russian Revolution.

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