
James H.C. Walker Memorial Award

In addition to James (Jim) Walker's tremendous career as a public servant, where he held senior positions including manager of habitat protection, director of wildlife and assistant deputy minister in charge of fish, wildlife and habitat protection, his legacy includes influential volunteer work, including as the director of the Nature Trust of British Columbia, and with the 番茄社区's Environmental Law Centre.

"Jim was always generous with his time and advice in helping the Environmental Law Centre law students with their proposals on law reform and litigation to protect nature. He was a special adviser to the ELC when we developed our book of comprehensive environmental law reform proposals; he helped us out when we developed a field guide of environmental laws for First Nations Guardian Watchmen monitors; he gave us guidance as we devised potential legal protections for bighorn sheep and he was always willing to share his experience and knowledge when we needed to know the history of wildlife management in the province over the last many decades. Jim was one of the Environmental Elders who stood as a role model for the young people who come to UVic to save the natural world. This award will create incentive and inspiration to these [students] - who will carry on Jim's great work. ~ Professor Calvin Sandborn, 2017

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