
Doug Tate Men's Rugby Award

Doug Tate coached the UVic Vikes for 28 years, over half of the existence of the program by the time of his departure in 2021. In that time, and in concert with others such as Rick Farrally, he had an indelible and life changing impact on literally thousands of young men who travelled through his program.  

The Vikes, Norsemen, Saxons and Jutes recorded many victories during his tenure including B.C. Championships, Canadian University Championships, and the selection of countless players to the National Sevens and Fifteens programs. However, the biggest victories were recorded off the field. The growth of players into responsible and thoughtful young men through their involvement in a physically demanding yet caring and humour filled team environment was the lasting result of Doug's legacy.  

For Doug, the door was always open, and whether a player was the star of the team of a third division workhorse his time and compassion were the same. At the start of each season often close to a hundred players turned up to play and none were ever turned away except by their own choice. This was the essence of Doug's commitment to a diverse and inclusive program for all. He never failed to give of his time to any who asked his help. 

During this time, Doug was a committed family man and, along with wife Tami, successfully raised two fine young men, Morgan and Brayden, who both embraced his passion for the sport.

Born in Vancouver and well remembered by his school teachers for truancy and an inattention to schoolwork, Doug flourished at UBC and, to the surprise of some, obtained his Bachelor and Masters degree in education while spending an inordinate amount of time playing rugby and socializing. 

In his own career Doug played at club, provincial and national levels before injury cut his playing career short. He was also the head of the national Sevens program for a number of years, including two Commonwealth Games.

This award was started by those who will always hold Doug, and his supporting family and coaches, in high esteem as one of the foundation pillars of the UVic rugby program. 

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