
Stephens Family Graduate and Undergraduate Research Awards in Organic & Sustainable Food Systems

Nature's Path Foods was started out of the back of Woodland's Restaurant by Arran and Ratana Stephens in 1985. It has been headquartered in Richmond since 1996. Nature's Path is a family-owned legacy business which has grown into North America's largest independent organic breakfast foods company. Fiercely independent with no desire to sell out or become a public company, Nature's Path has a triple-bottom line philosophy: socially responsible, environmentally sustainable and financially viable. The third generation of Stephens' actively manage the company. The company motto is "Always leave the Earth better than you found it," as said by Rupert Stephens on his berry farm at Goldstream. 

Nature's Path is inspired to advance the cause of people and planet, along the path to sustainability. Nature's Path's goal when making donations is to change lives and create world sustainability via organic agriculture. They wish to fund new endeavours of research and tangible output that positively impact the sustainable food movement and organic and non-GMO farming.

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