
Paul R. N. Spencer Bursary

The Paul R. N. Spencer Bursary was established by Angela Spencer in honour of her son, Paul, for the purpose of providing one or more bursaries for students in the School of Nursing who intend to pursue a career in the area of mental health. Angela’s son, Paul, was born with galactosemia (a metabolic dysfunction). Over the years of his life, it became apparent that his mental health was deteriorating.
In 2006, he had his first psychotic event, which necessitated Paul being in the psych intensive care unit, and then in the regular psych ward at the Royal Jubilee Hospital. The Psych Nurses were brilliant; not only giving care to Angela’s son, but also caring for her (she was feeling like a basket case to say the least).

In 2012, Paul had another major psychotic event and again spent several weeks in RJH Psych unit with the wonderful Psych Nurses who gave amazing care to both Paul and Angela. These great Psych nurses were always professional and tender at the same time.

It is Angela’s hope that the student who receives this award will carry on in this excellent vocation and will succeed in their mental health education.

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