
Marquerite Emma Grace Scholefield

Marguerite was born on September 29, 1908 in Fort William, Ontario. In 1926, she moved from the family farm in Fort William with her mother, father, two of her three sisters and her brother to Victoria where the family established another small farm of about 4 acres at the south-west corner of Cadboro Bay Road and Sinclair Road. In 1927, she completed her junior matriculation from Victoria High School and in 1928, was baptized at St. Luke’s Church on April 22nd and graduated from Victoria Normal School in June. In 1932, she bought a small cottage at 2559 Sinclair Road where she resided until April, 2001 when she took up residence at the Douglas Care Manor in James Bay.

Miss Scholefield’s career spanned 46 years during which time she was a teacher at the following Elementary school locations:

  • Craigflower 1928-1932

  • Tillicum 1932-1934

  • Cloverdale 1934-1936

  • Tolmie 1936-1938

  • St. Helens, England (on exchange) 1939-1940

  • Tolmie 1940-1943

  • Cedar Hill 1943-1946

  • Cordova Bay 1946-1950

  • Cedar Hill 1950-1951

  • Doncaster 1951-1960

  • Joan Crescent 1960-1964

  • Frank Hobbs 1964-1969

  • Braefoot 1969-1974

Min, as she is affectionately known, relished her independence and devoted her life to helping others. Family members, several churches in the Victoria area, numerous charities and, of course, her many “school children” were beneficiaries of her tireless efforts. Always the nurturing teacher, Min spoke often of her students with a passionate commitment towards their education and well being. Judging by her own accounts, her classrooms must have been stimulating and entertaining as she used her sense of humour and sharp wit to motivate and discipline her students.

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