
H.D. Sauvan Award

The donor is establishing this award in memory of Huguette Delphine Readshaw, née Sauvan (February 16, 1928-December 19, 2020) who was born and raised in Marseilles, France, where she lived until her marriage in 1949 to a young Englishman.

After living in England for 6 years, she and her husband immigrated to Canada where they settled in Victoria after spending one year in the small town of New Denver. During her 60 years of living in Canada her connection to her French heritage never wavered. She worked as a teacher on call in the French second language programs at the secondary level and was thrilled to see the establishment of the French Immersion program and the Francophone school board in Victoria.

Sharing her knowledge of French culture gave her enormous pleasure and was always very encouraging to anyone who wanted to pursue their language skills. She spent many afternoons conversing with Francophile enthusiasts, discussing the latest books and political events in the Francophone world.

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