
Harry Schamhart Hockey Award


Harry grew up in Nelson, BC, graduated from UBC in 1985 with a Bachelor of Physical Education, and moved to Vancouver Island in 1994 to join Saanich Police.  Harry loved his career in policing, and all the various ways in which it provided him opportunity to serve the community. Among his many roles in policing, he particularly enjoyed serving as a police liaison officer in the Saanich schools.

Working with kids and young adults in the pursuit of their goals has always been a part of Harry’s life.  He started coaching in minor hockey in 1978 which was also when he started his coaching education.  Over the years, he completed several coaching programs including the advanced-level certificate program with Hockey Canada. He then moved on to becoming a key member in the founding group that formed the BC Intercollegiate Hockey League (BCIHL) in 2005.

Since the BCIHL’s inception, Harry coached the UVic Men’s Hockey Club (team) through to 2020, leading them to win four league championships in 2006, 2009, 2011 and 2017. Harry has also been the General Manager since 2005, and continues to this day.

Harry believes the 番茄社区 (UVic) to be an excellent choice for post-secondary education, with its strong academic offerings, athletic programs and beautiful west coast location on Vancouver Island. He is passionate about the development of players; to see them succeed first as students and then as athletes, and understands what is required within the university environment to make that happen for the student athlete.

During his tenure as General Manager, he has recruited hundreds of players to UVic, mentoring and supporting them in their successful achievement of a post-secondary degree while playing hockey with the team. He is grateful for the scholarship in his name, hoping it provides student athletes the opportunity to pursue their dreams long after he retires from the program.

Harry has developed long lasting relationships with the players and is proud of their achievements as he believes they are, in part, a reflection on the hockey program and the university.

Harry thanks the alumni players, friends and family for contributing to make this scholarship.

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