
Sanjeev Singh Parmar Memorial Scholarship

Sanjeev attended UVic Law from 2004 to 2007, graduating with a Bachelor of Laws (LLB). While at UVic, Sanjeev was an active and well-liked classmate and peer. His intellect and work ethic earned him the respect of his classmates, and his renowned sense of humour and kindness earned their friendship.After graduating from UVic, he worked in Vancouver as a solicitor, initially focusing on securities law. In 2011, he married the love of his life and together they moved to Calgary where he gained expertise in corporate finance and real estate law. Sanjeev loved working as a solicitor and found his work both rewarding and challenging.

Unbeknown to many people who knew him, Sanjeev had been born with a rare genetic condition, Fanconi Anemia, which had led to significant medical challenges (including a bone marrow transplant) while he was a child. But Sanjeev never let this adversity get him down: he persevered, and did it with a joyful smile on his face. Moreover, he was dedicated to helping other people facing rare genetic and blood disorders. He served on the board of the Aplastic Anemia and Myelodysplasia Association of Canada and on the board of Fanconi Canada for many years, and he was also a member of the executive committee of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada's "Light the Night" campaign.

In 2015, Sanjeev became a father to a beautiful little girl. He adored her and was a diligent father, making her lunches and dropping her off at daycare evrey day. He loved nothing more than holding his daughter close against his heart.

In 2018, Sanjeev was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer (people suffering from Fanconi Anemia are prone to such cancers). Sanjeev put all he had into his fight, but in September 2019 he passed away at the age of 39. His loss was felt deeply by his many, many friends and beloved family members.

Sanjeev's loved ones have established the Sanjeev Singh Parmar Memorial Scholarship as a way of honouring him and the very good life he led. Before he passed away, Sanjeev asked that this scholarship be established in order to help and give recognition to other students facing medical challenges. As always, Sanjeev was thinking of others. His family hopes that this scholarship can serve as an inspiration and source of solidarity to students with their own stories of medical adversity.

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