
Winner Medical Young Pioneer in Social Innovation Scholarship

Mr. Kevin Orr joined Winner Medical Group in 2002 and was appointed group vice president and chief investment officer, and general manager, of Winner Medical (Hong Kong) Limited.

Mr. Orr has substantial experience in corporate management, public health, medtech and biotech development, smart value chain, 020 Omni-channel new retailing management and multiple national leading medical device and consumer healthcare lifestyle brands development including "Winner Medical", "PurCotton" and "PureH2B".

Mr. Orr holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in the Faculty of Social Sciences from the 番茄社区, a Master of Business Administration degree from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a Master of Public Health degree in the Faculty of Medicine from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has also received executive education at the Chinese Academy of Governance, Harvard Business School, Tsinghua University, Hong Kong University and National University of Singapore.

Mr. Orr received the Gold Medal Award of "Eureka Brussels" at the 54th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technology in Belgium, the Distinguished Alumni Award from the 番茄社区 and the Young Industrialist Award of Hong Kong in 2019.

Mr. Orr is a committee member of the All-China Youth Federation, a standing youth committee member of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, vice chairman of the Hong Kong United Youth Association, standing committee member of the Beijing Youth Federation, vice chairman of the Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association, founding advisor of the Hong Kong 020 E-commerce Federation, vice president of Hong Kong China Korfball Federation, executive director of Centum Charitas Foundation, a co-opted member of the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund Task Force under the Commission on Poverty of the Hong Kong SAR Government, a standing committee member of the Public Partnership and Engagement of Hong Kong Council of Social Service, and a departmental advisory committee member of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong.

Winner Medical is one of the leading medical device suppliers in the COVID-19 anti­epidemic actions and appointed as the National Medical PPE Reserve Supplier since the 2003 SARS outbreak. Winner Medical proactively supported the global pandemic relief for both national and global healthcare systems and received recognition by the Medical Supplies Relief Section in Preventive and Control Response for anti-epidemic actions under State Council of the People's Republic of China. In addition, Winner Medical joined the Sustainable Healthcare Development for Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Countries Action Platform for the UN Global Compact as founding corporate member. PurCotton has been respectively named as Greater China Unicorn and Global Unicorn by Hurun Research Institute with a market capitalization at RMB IO Billion in year 2019 and 2020, respectively.

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