
Onuma's Opus Award

Jody Onuma is currently a full-time music specialist at Campus View Elementary School in Victoria.  She has taught at various schools in the Greater Victoria School District for sixteen years.  Her elementary music groups have won provincial and national awards, including the national CBC Music Challenge and the Lieutenant Governor's Sing Me A Song contest.  These extra-curricular music groups are open to any students interested in joining and her school choir and Orffestra club average 100 students.  

In the community, Jody is involved with the Victoria Children's Choir and is also Artistic Director of the community adult choir Via Choralis. 

Jody earned a Bachelor of Music degree from the 番茄社区 and a Masters degree in Educational Technology from UBC. She holds an ARCT degree in piano performance from the Royal Conservatory of Music and Grade 10 standing in violin. In 2000, she had the incredible honour of touring as a violinist in the National Youth Orchestra of Canada. From 2001-2007, she taught English in Japan, a life-changing experience during which her musical background helped overcome many cultural barriers.  Music is very valued in Japanese society and is an integral part of the day in a Japanese classroom. While teaching in Japan, she also had the opportunity to perform in various community orchestras and chamber groups. 

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