
Rob and Tammy Lipson Undergraduate Research Scholarship

Rob Lipson received an Honours BSc (1974) and MSc degree in chemistry (1980), and a PhD in physics (1985) from the University of Toronto. After a post-doc with the National Research Council of Canada, he joined the Department of Chemistry at Western University in 1986 as an assistant professor and NSERC University Research Fellow. He was promoted to professor in 1996 and served as department chair from 2000 to 2005. In 2010, Rob joined the 番茄社区 as a professor of chemistry and dean of the Faculty of Science. He was re-ratified for a second term in 2015.

Tammy Lipson completed an Honours BSc degree in chemistry at St. Francis Xavier University (1979) and an MSc degree in chemistry from Western University (1982). She worked for many years as a research technician at Surface Science Western, and then as frants officer for the Office of Research Services at Western.

Both Tammy and Rob and their children have benefitted enormously over the years by the opportunities afforded them to study abroad in France, China and the United States. They established this undergraduate scholarship to encourage top students in any area of science to undertake international research, to experience not only the academic advantages of collaborating with excellent scientists elsewhere but also to navigate and to appreciate the diversity of cultures that exist outside of Canada. 

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