
Inuit Women Legal Scholar Award

This fund has been established to develop the future Inuit women leaders to become agents of change by using their knowledge, skills and talents to foster sustainable socio-economic and environmental development in their communities. As an agent of change herself, the generous donor who established this fund strongly believes in everyone’s potential to contribute to society by putting our own talents forward to serve society.

Canada is committed to working with Aboriginal people and communities in addressing their socio-economic and health concerns. Inuit women often lack access to basic human needs including access to education.

Despite these current challenges, we observe success stories related to outstanding Inuit women leaders such as Eva Aariak, Premier of Nunavut, Leona Aglukklaq, Minister of Health and Member of Parliament for Nunavut, Mary Simon, Canada’s first Ambassador for Circumpolar Affairs and Canada's first Governor General of Canada, Mary Ekho Wilman, Councillor Iqaluit and Madeleine Redfern, Canadian Inuit politician, who was elected mayor of Iqaluit in December 2010.

At national and international levels, it has been demonstrated that education has contributed to improving women’s socio-economic and empowerment status.


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