
Hargrove Award for Science and Service

Dr. Gaylene Hargrove completed grade school in a small town in central Alberta, attending classes with children from all walks of life, including indigenous children. At 14 years of age, she knew that she wanted to become a physician, a diagnostician and healer for any who needed care, especially for those less fortunate and marginalized. 

She knew that she would face many challenges during her academic journey, and she recalls being counseled by one or two high school teachers to ensure that she had a ‘Plan B’ in mind - it was ‘extremely difficult’ to achieve entry to medical school and ‘the odds were quite low’ of being successful. She was certainly intimidated during her first year of university. She was studying cellular, molecular and micro-biology and had moved away from home. The second year of her program was even more daunting. Second year almost ‘defeated’ her, because expectations were much greater, competition was fierce and supportive resources were not readily accessible. She quickly learned that collaborating with other women in her degree program not only enabled her to work through challenges and achieve her goals, but also forged lasting friendships.

Dr. Hargrove completed her Bachelor of Science and attended medical school at the University of Calgary, completing her M.D. in 1993.  She completed her residency training in Internal Medicine and Nephrology in 1998 (U of C). 

Dr. Hargrove began her practice in clinical nephrology in Victoria in 1999.  She has completed additional training in palliative care for renal patients, and she aims to focus on providing care that aligns with patients’ wishes, goals and what matters most to them.

She is a Clinical Assistant Professor (UBC, Island Medical Program) and a UVic Faculty member; she mentors 4th year medical students for clinical rotations.

This award aims to provide financial support for women from diverse life journeys who aspire to establish careers in science and also strive to provide care and compassion for those who are in need in their communities.

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