
W. R. (Bill) Gordon Scholarship

Bill was a most respected, dedicated, and long-serving faculty member who taught in the Mathematics & Statistics Department for over 36 years and served as Department Head for four years. He was a major contributor to the development of this institution and greatly helped shape it into the highly regarded university we know today. Our global and national reputation depended on people like Bill. His commitment to his numerous teaching and research responsibilities have been well recorded by the students and colleagues who held him in very high regard. Bill was instrumental in forging initiatives in curriculum design, new course development, co-operative education programs and grading practices. His dedication to the university and to its development as a world-class institution was second to none and he devoted many tireless hours to achieve that goal.

Bill reached out to the broader university community when he served as Assistant Dean and then Associate Dean of Arts and Science. He served on the University Senate for over 20 years. He was Assistant to the Vice President Academic, Vice Chair of the University Pension Board, Treasurer of the Western Marine Biological Society as well as authoring more committee reports than one can recall. In spite of these many commitments, Bill also found time to contribute to the university’s Athletic and Recreational programs. He was a seminal force in the establishment of the university’s current Athletic and Recreation policies. In addition to these many activities and commitments Bill was also a rugby player, jazz aficionado, and a true and devoted family man. In his retirement, Bill served on the Executive of the UVic Retirees Association. We are inspired by how one individual can have given so much to UVic in such a thorough, broad, and unassuming manner. Bill did so with grace and enthusiasm.

Many of Bill’s colleagues remember him for his outstanding intellect, institutional commitment as well as many other admirable qualities.

Roger Davidson, former Chair of Mathematics and Dean of Science: “Bill exhibited leadership in promoting quality teaching, curriculum development, and academic standards with a university perspective always in mind”.

Peter Meekison, a long time personal friend and former Vice President Academic from the University of Alberta likened Bill to a pyramid: “With the university on one side, Mathematics and Rugby on the other two sides, with a base set on a firm foundation of family and friends”.
David Docherty, former Director of the School of Physical Education, remembers Bill as “The ultimate corporate citizen who could always be relied upon for sober and careful thought. His interests ranged widely and included athletics, especially rugby. Bill’s touch is found in so many places at UVic; he has left a legacy that serves the institution today”.

Fred Fischer, former Vice President Academic, recalls Bill as: “A very talented adviser who had the rare ability to examine differing points of view and produce an appropriate resolution. He always delivered an outstanding result; he was a superb university citizen”.
From an administrative perspective, Bob McQueen, former Vice President Finance said “Bill Gordon had a quick and enquiring analytical mind, coupled with the rare ability to formulate, in a collegial manner, workable solutions to problems”.

Trevor Matthews, former Vice President Administration, remembers Bill as: “One of the most analytical and logical individuals that I have met and he always took his decisions in an unpretentious manner within a well defined ethical and institutional framework”.
Perhaps Bill’s contributions may best be summed up by Howard Petch, President Emeritus: “Bill was one of the pillars of the university, his range of contributions were amazing: teaching, scholarship, curriculum development, administration, governance at the highest level and service on committees too”.

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