
KiraGood Scholarship

This scholarship was established in memory of Kira Goodwin. Kira Goodwin of British Columbia and Alberta, Canada lived a vibrant but short 32 years. She was taken from this world by an avalanche while backcountry skiing in the west Kootenay mountains on 31 December 2017. She had a lust for adventure, was an avid traveler, exceptional athlete and a lover of nature and wildlife. She was passionate about living, and had a smile and personality that were larger than life. She made family everywhere she went, not just friends.

Kira loved her career in nursing and used her skills to serve in Neonatal Intensive Care, the Chemotherapy Clinic and the Operating Room. She was an ambassador to Canada everywhere she traveled and loved to immerse herself deeply in culture. She was generous and kind in life and death. Although Kira could not be saved, she was an organ donor and, therefore, directly responsible for supporting the lives of others.

Kira was one of a kind and will never be forgotten.

In keeping with the attributes and life philosophies Kira possessed and demonstrated, the family has established KiraGood Scholarship. Live, love and laugh.

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