
Annie Finnerty Bursary

Mention the name "Finnerty" around UVic and you're likely to think of the Finnerty Gardens, Finnerty Road (the northern entry to the campus), or the popular coffee bar under UVic's bookstore.

Annie Finnerty (1873- 1937), was a gracious woman of tough pioneer stock who favoured full white dresses despite the harsh realities of farm life in 19th century Victoria. Her parents were early settlers and farmers in the Mount Tolmie area in the 1860's and '70's. Her uncle, Mike Finnerty, farmed the land in the 1890's that is now UVic. Two apple trees from his orchard still stand in the quad just south of the Cornett building.

Annie Finnerty's memory is being honoured, and the family's connection to the present campus is being remembered through a  bursary established in her name. The Annie Finnerty Bursary will be awarded to assist students in financial need who are enrolled in Faculty of Education. 

Her grandson, David Pollock (B.Ed '79) established the bursary to honour the wishes of his father Earl Pollock, who was a student at Victoria College in 1930. "Teachers deserve our support," says Pollock, a former school teacher himself. "The education they gave us doesn't weigh anything, but you pack it around with you forever, and it always comes in handy."

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