
Corrina Ewan Memorial Scholarship

Much loved co-worker, Corrina Ewan (née Giesbrecht), passed away June 14, 2018.

Corrina Ewan came to UVic as an undergraduate student, completing her BSc in chemistry in 1996. Soon after, in January 1997, Corrina was hired as a laboratory instructor with the Department of Chemistry. Between 1997 and 2000, she was appointed on a term-by-term basis, supporting first-, second-, and third-year laboratory classes, as needed. Corrina was very organized, very talented and seemed to be able to accomplish any task, no matter how complex or large it was.

In 2000, the old term-by-term "prep" positions as they were called at the time were converted to continuing PEA appointments. So in September 2000 Corrina became a "Scientific Assistant", the new designation for the position. By this time she was married to Mike and expecting their first child, Shannon. Over the next few years their family grew, with Elise's arrival in 2004 and Sophia's birth in 2006. As you can imagine, Corrina was a busy mom during these years and her family was always number one - no doubt about that - but she still managed to provide outstanding service in her job. You could always count on Corrina to get things done. She was amazing - a fast learner, flexible and able to juggle multiple tasks.

Corrina worked magic in the labs, to be sure, but she also taught lab sections, served on a variety of committees and working groups, assisted with the coordination of lecture classes, and became our go-to person for anything to do with preparing chemistry demonstrations and shows. Her dedication and talents led to a much deserved promotion to "Chemistry Course Coordinator" on May 1, 2018.

Corrina's bright smile and wonderful ways will be greatly missed by all: she was a star and a sunbeam at the same time, a truly bright light in this often dark world. We will always remember her fondly. 

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