
Sheila Calvert Memorial Scholarship

Sheila Mary Calvert (1911-1987)

Sheila Cunningham was born in Cheshire, England in 1911.  She married  Gilbert (Giff) Calvert in 1938, and they had three daughters, Nairn, Lissa and  Gay.  In 1948 the family moved from England to Vancouver, B. C., and two years  later to Toronto. In 1956 they returned to Vancouver, and in 1968 to Victoria.

According to her husband, Sheila was "the best wife, mother, grandmother, friend, and lover and protector of animals in the world."  She had an interest in dog and horse breeding and shows, and served as President of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).  She was active in charity work for hospitals and children's organizations, and spent much time in the development of the family's nature sanctuary, "Trevlac," on Prospect Lake Road.

Sheila Calvert loved life and nature, so, after her death in 1987, her husband set up a scholarship in her name to help a student study these subjects.

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