
Patricia Caygill Scholarship

Patricia Caygill was born in Derby, England and immigrated to Canada with her only child Melanie in 1966. Patricia was courageous and steadfast in her devotion to providing for her daughter. She worked tirelessly throughout her career as a cosmetologist building a strong affiliation with many of her clients in Toronto, Vancouver and in Victoria. 

Even though Patricia did not have the opportunity to attend a post-secondary institution, she placed high value on education and its potential for improving one's advantages in life. 

Patricia ensured that her daughter had every educational opportunity despite many financial and life challenges along the way. Patricia resided in Victoria for many years and although she lived modestly, she always gave generously to those with less. Young adults and youth always held a special place in her heart. 

This scholarship is endowed in the spirit of chasing dreams and achieving one's potential through education. Melanie was the first in her family to attain a post-secondary degree, with a BA from the University of Toronto and a Master's in Education at Simon Fraser University. 

Partners in life, donors Melanie Brown and Kathleen Hatch have both dedicated their careers to higher education and believe deeply in the development of individuals who are civically engaged and inspired to contribute productively in their local and broader communities. 

Melanie and Kathleen both have a real affinity with Victoria and are fairly certain they will be retiring here. Both are academics. Kathleen recently retired as the Assistant Vice-President and Executive Director of University Recreation, Washington State University (WSU). Melanie is the current Director of the Centre for Civic Engagement at WSU. 

The Patricia Caygill Scholarship will be awarded to one or more undergraduate continuing or transfer students who are first-generation post-secondary attendees with a demonstrated record of community service, preferably within the area of childhood/youth education or care.

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