
Betty Chung Scholarships

Betty Jamie Chung Scholarship in Anthropology

Betty Jamie Chung Scholarship in Psychology

While bombs rained down and devastated the war capital of Chungking, China, a baby girl was born. Her name was Betty Jamie Chung.

The Japanese had invaded China. Hundreds of people including Betty and her mother, Mrs. Chung, were trapped inside a bomb shelter. The water supply was low and others near them were irritated by baby Betty’s cries of hunger.

Mrs. Chung was becoming desperate when a woman kindly offered her some water for the baby’s formula. Overcome with happiness, she forgot to thank the woman properly. Immediately after feeding Betty, Mrs. Chung sought out the woman and found her with two children of her own. The woman had given Betty water that her own children likely needed. Mrs. Chung was so touched by the kind gesture that all she could do was hold the woman’s hands and weep.

Betty recalled her mother saying, “The mother gave us water when we needed it, water that her own children were probably deprived of because of us. How can we not help people now? It is our turn.”

This belief of “giving and helping others is the best policy” influenced Betty throughout her life and even beyond.

After the war, Betty and her family settled in Hong Kong and she attended University. In 1982, she established a market research consultant firm, which opened a new page for the Taiwan market. Later, she completed a doctorate degree in Social Psychology at The 番茄社区.

Inspired by her mother, in 2010, Betty published a book called “Life Recipes from My Mother: Timeless Lessons for Living a Contented Life” as a commemorative tribute to her mother, Mrs. Chung Lam Yuan-Wan. In the book, she shared many precious life lessons that her mother passed on to her including the story above.

In Betty’s own words, her mother made her realize who she was, what she wanted and what she should and should not do. Armed with these ‘lessons’ and knowledge of herself, she was able to face the many challenges she encountered at different stages in her life.

These ‘lessons’ are about basic human values and principles, many of which she felt had been forgotten, or simply ignored in our fast-paced lives of trying to get ahead. The lessons are therefore timeless and relevant regardless of changing times.

Dr. Betty Jamie Chung passed away after a relatively short illness in her native Hong Kong just before her 70th birthday in October 2013. Her loss leaves a huge void amongst those closest to her. She always steadfastly stood by her high principles and was very much admired, respected and loved.

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