
Sarah D. Bakony Memorial Scholarship

Sarah (Sally) Bakony (1932-1994) was born and grew up in Alton, IL. She graduated from Alton High School as valedictorian, a privilege reserved for the student with the highest overall grades. Upon graduation she pursued further studies at Monticello College in Colorado Springs and then Missouri University in Columbia, working towards a degree in sociology. Before completing her final semester, she left school to accompany her new husband as he began his law career with postings in different cities in Europe and the United States.

Her life eventually brought her to Victoria in 1967 where her and her second husband, Dr. Leo I. Bakony (an economics professor at the 番茄社区) chose the island community to raise their two children. They loved the lifestyle of the Pacific Northwest spending much time gardening, sailing, hiking, skiing and traveling. She went back to complete her degree, this time at the 番茄社区, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in sociology in 1978.

Throughout her life, Sally had a love of traveling, enjoying nature, dancing and maintaining many close relationships with family and friends.