
Pat Bevan Scholarship in Writing

Ivy B. (Pat) Bevan (1906-1994)

Ivy B. (Pat) Bevan was born in England in 1906 and came to Canada in the 1930s.  She and her husband, Bert Bevan, lived in Victoria and had two children. The Bevans were involved for many years in square and round dancing.  Aside from doing skits for social organizations and taking part in Centennial pageants, Mrs. Bevan's life-long interest in theatre has been mostly expressed in attending plays.

In her later years, Mrs. Bevan has become severely handicapped by arthritis and loss of vision.  She spent much of her time listening to audio books.  In appreciation of the Talking Books service and of its many readers, and to especially thank one reader, Trish Grainge, for hundreds of hours of listening enjoyment, Mrs. Bevan established this scholarship.  She passed away in January, 1994.