
Jean and Archie Bain Scholarship

Jean Bain, a retired social worker, established this scholarship in honour of her parents, Lucy and Thomas Anderson. Mrs. Bain chose the School of Social Work for this award because one of her over-riding concerns has been the issue of social justice and poverty, and its impact on children, families and individuals. The potential and dignity of every person is paramount in her scheme of things. Social Work was also the career of choice of her sister and one of her daughters.

For many years, Mrs. Bain worked in various parts of the province as a government field worker, then as district supervisor, and finally in administration (daycare, adoption and interprovincial child welfare services). She loved her work but admits that it could be demanding, frustrating and baffling but that it was ultimately rewarding. Although Mrs. Bain and her husband are both graduates of U.B.C., she selected UVic for this donation because their three daughters graduated from UVic. She says also that she and her husband have benefited immensely from so much that UVic has to offer - music, theater, art appreciation, courses, lectures, etc. For some time, Mrs. Bain had wanted to establish a memorial for her parents. This scholarship grew out of that desire and was made specifically in order to honour them.