
Sandra Ann Chisholm MacLean Aitken Graduate Award

Sandra Ann Chisholm MacLean (Aitken) was born in Dunoon, Scotland in 1958. From a young age, Sandra was taught to value hard work and education. After immigrating with her family to Canada and growing up on Salt Spring Island, Sandra developed an immense respect for the environment and its ability to facilitate personal reflection. At 19-years-old, Sandra began a successful 35-year career with the British Columbia Provincial Government, eventually working for the Environmental Appeal Board. As a single, working mother, leading by example, Sandra instilled the same values of education and hard work in her daughter that her parents had passed on to her. In August 2017, Sandra lost her hard-fought battle with cancer, leaving behind a legacy of compassion, perseverance and the values of lifelong education. It is her daughter's hope that Sandra's impact continues on, not only for her family, but through the gift of higher education to the recipient of the SACMA Award.

Read more about Sandra and her daughter Claire.


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