
Arenas & Artemiw Award in Engineering (Michael & Antoinette Artemiw)

Great engineering happens when creativity and rigour combine in the right proportions. The most effective engineering teams are composed of members with diverse backgrounds and complementary strengths. There are not enough women and members of underrepresented communities graduating from engineering programs. We have established the Cora Arenas and Carol Artemiw Award for Second Year Women in Engineering to encourage you to continue in year two of your engineering program. It is our hope that your cover letter will provide valuable insights that improve the first year engineering experience for others.

Antoinette and Michael Artemiw graduated from the 番茄社区 in 2001. They have named this award after their mothers, both incredible women, whose love and support created the opportunity for them to follow their dreams. Antoinette and Michael live in Silicon Valley with their two teenaged children.

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