
Janet Munsil

Janet Munsil
Sessional Instructor
Office: FIA 223

BFA (UVic)

Area of expertise

Playwrighting, theatre directing.

Janet Munsil is has written more than a dozen plays including The Ugly Duchess, Be Still, Circus Fire, Emphysema (a love story), Influence, That Elusive Spark (Finalist, 2014 Governor General’s Literary Awards), Sveva and I Have Seen Beautiful Jim Key, a play for young audiences. Her 2012 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice for Theatre Calgary and Canada’s National Arts Centre has been produced internationally. In 2016 she concluded a long festival-producing career as Artistic Director of Victoria’s Intrepid Theatre in order to pursue writing projects. She has two new plays in development: Act of Faith for Vancouver’s Realwheels Theatre, and Attaboy!