
Nancy Powell

Nancy Powell
Master's Candidate
Office: FIA 226

BSc (Purdue), MBA (UT Austin)

Area of expertise

Creative nonfiction, podcast, documentary film.

Over the years, Nancy has travelled or lived in over 31 countries. She studied during the last shah-filled days in Tehran, trekked over monastery-laden mountains in Bhutan, drank too much Gammel Dansk in Denmark and landed in East Berlin the day the wall came down. Eight years into an international cash management career in Hong Kong’s financial district, she had an epiphany. Nancy is interested in a range of storytelling mediums. She directed and produced her first short documentary, Walking with Dad, in 2018.

Nancy is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada. Her research interest is corporate leadership that places environmental regeneration and social consciousness at the heart of the business. Turning their backs on outdated economic models that have pushed us to the brink of ecological limits, these companies are leading the way towards regenerative capitalism that fights climate change and improves the planet.