
Brianna Bock

Brianna Bock
Master's Candidate
Office: FIA 226

BA (UVic)

Area of expertise

Playwriting, fiction.

Brianna 'Lou' Bock (any/all) is a writer, playwright, journalist, and theatre critic. Originally from the territories of the Ktunaxa and Kinbasket people, they recieved a BA at UVic in 2021 and have been based in unceded traditional territory of the Lekwungen-speaking people since. Their credits include 'Where We Ended Up' (This Side of West), A Way Out (The Canadian Play Thing), A Leaf out of your Book (TheatreSKAM), Love and Spurs (TheatreSKAM), and Abandoned (One Act Play Festival). They are a frequent collaborator at The Martlet, where they regularly review local theatre productions for the publication. They're also a member of the board of the Victoria Festival of Authors.

Currently, they are drawn to historical fiction about historiography, and the horror genre. As for the future, they're excited to see where their writing will take them next.