
Victor Dolhai



Victor Dolhai acted in the Phoenix Theatre's productions of Guys and Dolls, Tartuffe, Metamorphoses, Tyrants, and The Street of Crocodiles. During his time in Victoria, he acted for many production companies throughout the city, including the Belfry Theatre / Electric Company Theatre (Brilliant! The Blinding Enlightenment of Nikola Tesla), Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre (As You Like it, Death of a Salesman, The Fantasticks), Kaleidoscope Theatre (Narnia, Working), ITSAZOO Productions (Grimm Tales), Ecce Homo Theatre (Woyzeck Songspiel), the Victoria Theatre Guild (The School for Scandal), and Atomic Vaudeville (participating in 14 of their cabarets). He is also a founding member of SNAFU Dance Theatre (Riyoku Butoh, Pretty Little Instincts, BLiNK).

After graduating, Victor joined ten other young actors from across Canada to study under Martha Henry at the at the Stratford Theatre Festival. Birmingham is the only conservatory program in North America which concentrates exclusively on training for the classical actor and which actually takes place within a classical repertory theatre. During his studies there, he performed in Pygmalion, King Lear, The Winter's Tale, and A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Victor went on to become a contracted performer with the Stratford Shakespeare Festival, appearing in The Merry Wives of Windsor, Twelfth Night, The Misanthrope, As You Like It, and The Winter's Tale. In spring of 2012, he will be seen starting his third season with the company, performing in The Matchmaker and Much Ado About Nothing. He is the winner of the Lindsay Thomas Award and the Tyrone Guthrie Award.