
Beatrice Boepple

Beatrice Boepple


Since graduating from the Phoenix with a specialization in acting in 1984, Beatrice Boepple has worked extensively in film and television as well as on stage and in radio.

In addition to playing the role of Amanda Krueger, mother to the horror film icon Freddy Krueger in Nightmare on Elm Street V: The Dream Child, Beatrice has starred in two Canadian features - Quarantine and Matinee, and played the role of wife to Emilio Estevez's character in the 1989 hit Stakeout. Beatrice had many guest appearances on shows such as "21 Jump Street" with Johnny Depp, "Neon Rider", "The Black Stallion" and Canadian classics like "Danger Bay" and "Beachcombers", as well as radio dramas for CBC, theatre productions such as "Noises Off" for the Western Canada Theatre Company and "Papers" for Bastion Theatre.

In the late 80's, Beatrice moved to LA where she did some theatre and film, but after a trip to India that was supposed to be for only two weeks, she ended up staying in India for two years, living in an ashram and doing volunteer work on a mobile hospital. Her time in India and her commitment to yoga changed the course of her life.

From there, she found herself in New York City. She worked for four years for a financial firm on Wall Street and met the man that she then married. Now Beatrice owns a yoga studio in NY where she teaches yoga and raises her two sons. Though she occasionally teaches acting to children and to seniors, does some acting for local theatres and some directing, yoga now takes up much of her life’s focus.