
Fay Nass

Fay Nass


Fay Nass (BFA'07) is a Vancouver based writer, director and theatre scholar. Her work often examines questions of race, sex, and culture, and the challenges these pose to notions of identity.

Fay holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in theatre from Simon Fraser University's School for the Contemporary Arts, and has been working as the Assistant Artistic Producer at the Firehall Arts Centre with the sponsorship of the BC Arts Council.

Along with co-producing the 2015 BC BUDS Spring Arts Festival, she directed and produced Lascivious Something at Firehall Arts Centre. Her other recent credits include: Lascivious Something Urinetown (Assistant Director), Post Secret (Assistant Director), Aphotic Dream (writer/Director), Anne Frank is in my Dreams (Director), Strange (writer/Director) and Paradox (writer/Director). Fay is working on a new piece, which focuses on female alienation through the historical, political and personal lens bridging Iran from the 1930’s to Canada today.