
Ingrid Hansen

Ingrid Hansen


Ingrid Hansen (BFA ’09) graduated with specialization in Design after changing from the acting program. Both her passions are apparent in SNAFU Dance Theatre, which she founded with other theatre alumni Victor Dolhai (BFA ’07) and Sarah Jane Pelzer (BFA ’09).

Since the company’s first venture, the 2006 SATCo production Riyoku Butoh, SNAFU has been creating and performing original theatrical work throughout Victoria and across the country. BLiNK won “Best Dance Production in 2007” from Monday Magazine, and “Favourite Physical/Dance Show” in the Pick-of-the-Fringe awards that year.

In 2009, Pretty Little Instincts won two more Pick-of-the-Fringe awards for the company (“Most Innovative Show” and a second “Favourite Physical/Dance Show” honour), along with the Victoria Critic’s Choice award for “Best Fringe Show of 2009.” That year, Ingrid Hansen was also awarded the Monday Magazine “M” Award for “Victoria’s Favourite Choreographer.” In 2011, Pretty Little Instincts was invited to Toronto’s Summerworks Festival.

SNAFU had a very successful 2011 with Little Orange Man earning top honours at the Victoria and Vancouver Fringe Festivals. The show, created by Hansen and theatre alumna Kathleen Greenfield (BFA’05), won the “Volunteer’s Choice Award” and “Vancouver Playhouse Award” for its held-over run in Vancouver, along with the Pick of the Fringe in Victoria. In Little Orange Man, Hansen presents us with the dynamic an inventive child character of Kitt.  In 2012 SNAFU presented the next adventure in Kitt’s life as an environmentally aware 14-year-old in Kitt & Jane: A Interactive Survival Guide to the Near Post-Apocalyptic Future. This production was chosen as the “Best New Play” in Victoria by the Critics’ Choice Spotlight Award and will be presented at the Phoenix Theatre for our Spotlight on Alumni in the 2013/14 season.