
Patrick Du Wors

Patrick Du Wors

BFA'02 UVic MFA'05 U of A

Patrick Du Wors is an active Toronto-based designer who frequently returns to Victoria for work with The Belfry Theatre, Blue Bridge Theatre and as a guest artist at the Phoenix Theatre when he designed the set and costumes for Dark of the Moon in 2008.

After completing his BFA in Design in 2002 at UVic he went on to receive his MFA in Design at the University of Alberta in 2005. In 2006 Patrick completed a year as Resident Assistant Designer at the Royal Shakespeare Company in the UK.  For Blue Bridge Theatre he has designed Death of a Salesman, As You Like It, The Fantastics, Little Shop of Horrors and is designing My Fair Lady for the summer of 2013.

He was nominated for the 2008 Dora Award for Best Theatre for Young Audiences.  He received the Victoria Critics’ Choice Award, first as student in 2002 for the Phoenix production of The Monument when he won best Set Design and then in 2008 for both set and lighting design for The Belfry’s Turn of the Screw which featured alumni Sara Topham and Graeme Somerville. He has been nominated for many other productions including Little Shop of Horrors for Blue Bridge Theatre in 2012

Dark of the Moon By Howard Richardson & William Berney, In cooperation with The Richardson/Yale Property Trust, Elliot S. Blair, Administrator