
David Bourque

David Bourque
Music Performance Instructor

BMus (Toronto); MM (Northwestern); AMSC (Carnegie Mellon)

Courses taught at UVic

MUS 140-540; MUS 245-545: Individual tuition (clarinet)

Brief Biography

Originally from Peterborough, Ontario, David Boutin-Bourque joins the Victoria Symphony in 2022 as Principal Clarinet. He previously held the same position with the Thunder Bay Symphony, and served as 3rd/Bass clarinet with the Erie Philharmonic. He has also performed with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and Symphony Nova Scotia. From 2017-2021, he enjoyed a fellowship at the Aspen Music Festival, winning the winds concerto competition in 2018. David completed degrees from the University of Toronto, Northwestern University, and Carnegie Mellon University. His teachers include Michael Rusinek, David Bourque, Steve Cohen and Lawrie Bloom. Outside of music, David enjoys reading and tennis.