
Kyron Basu

Kyron Basu
Music Performance Instructor

MA, BMus (UVic); Diploma in Music, AVCM (Camosun College/Victoria Conservatory of Music)

MUS 140-440: Individual Tuition
MUS 345-445: Individual Tuition: Performance

Kyron Basu holds an MA in Musicology with Performance and a BMus from the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø, where he studied under Benjamin Butterfield. During his MA, Kyron was a recipient of the SSHRC CGS-M scholarship for his musicological research. Kyron completed his Diploma in Music and AVCM in Vocal Pedagogy at the Victoria Conservatory of Music, where he studied with Ingrid Attrot (voice) and Nancy Argenta (pedagogy).
As a performer, Kyron is a versatile baritone with a repertoire ranging from Bach to Berio. He has appeared with groups such as Fretwork, the Victoria Baroque Players, Victoria Philharmonic Choir, and Victoria Children’s Choir. Recent engagements include the role of Christus in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion with the Victoria Philharmonic Choir and Schubert’s Mass in G with the Linden Singers. He has frequently sung as a soloist with the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Chorus and Orchestra, having performed Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor, Handel’s Utrecht Te Deum, as well as Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms and Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy. In 2018, Kyron sang under the baton of Helmuth Rilling in the Bach Weimar Cantata Academy, performing several of Bach’s sacred cantatas in Germany.

In addition to teaching at UVic, Kyron has been on faculty at the Victoria Conservatory of Music, where he has taught voice since 2016. During the 2018/2019 academic year, Kyron also taught the Conservatory’s post-secondary German and French Lyric Diction classes.