
Mina Hoorfar

Mina  Hoorfar
Dean of Engineering and Computer Science, Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Office: EOW 248

BASc (University of Tehran), MASc (U of T), PhD (U of T), P.Eng

Area of expertise

Theoretical and experimental advancement of surface science and microfluidic technologies

Research areas

  • Nanostructured microfluidic artificial olfaction for real-time gas monitoring
  • Monitoring and Extraction of Hydrogen from Hydrogen Blended Natural Gas
  • Breath analysis by nanostructured gas sensors for health and safety applications
  • Micro/nanoscale mechanics and sensing materials for chemical and biological sensors
  • Wearable microfluidic sensing for personal health monitoring/diagnostics
  • Micro/nano-encapsulation for food and pharmaceutical applications
  • Label-free microfluidic isolation and biosensing for health and environmental applications