
Dr. Christopher Dennison

Dr. Christopher Dennison
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Office: EOW 527

Ph.D. (Victoria), P.Eng

Area of expertise

Biomedical engineering, biomechanics, injury biomechanics, instrumentation, protection and armour

Dr. Dennison's research is in the area of biomechanics and biomedical instrumentation and focuses on understanding mechanisms of traumatic injury in contexts spanning civilian life, sports and defence. The application areas for this work are protection devices including head-gear and body armour. His group collaborates with professional sport leagues, protection equipment manufacturers, and defence scientists. Dr. Dennison is active in North American and International standards organizations that focus on engineered testing approaches for protective gear. Dr. Dennison is a member of the scientific review committee of the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury. His group applies in vivo, ex vivo, in vitro and in silico approaches.