
New Student Affairs organizational structure

Some important changes are taking place in the Division of Student Affairs so we can best support our students and the university.  

In consultation with our campus community and in consideration of UVic’s new strategic planning documents, the Division of Student Affairs has identified the following priority areas to best support our students and our institution:

  • Enrolment management
  • Academic success
  • Equity, access and inclusion
  • Affordability
  • Health and wellness

In order to advance these priorities, the Division is implementing a new departmental structure that includes changes in reporting relationships for Student Wellness and Academic Advising, the creation of a new hub focussed on professional development for Student Affairs staff, and new departmental names that better reflect each department’s purpose and mandate.

View our new org chart

Effective immediately, these changes are intended to build on the strengths of the work we have done as a Division and ensure that our departments are strategically aligned and balanced across executive leadership to focus on our priorities in the most efficient and collaborative way possible.

The revised department names and mandates are:

Student Development and Success

– led by Joel Lynn, Executive Director

Student Development and Success will focus on the development and implementation of strategic student support models, co-curricular engagement programming, and serve as a key resource for both the Division of Student Affairs and campus leaders as it relates to student retention and satisfaction planning and initiatives. This Department will also focus on the establishment of a new professional development program available to all staff across the Division. Its component areas include:

  • Student Life
  • International Centre for Students
  • Residence Services
  • Centre for Accessible Learning
  • STUA Professional Development (new)

Wellness, Recreation and Athletics

– led by Nicole Greengoe, Acting Senior Director

Wellness, Recreation and Athletics will focus on creating a new model for student health and wellbeing while advancing our commitment to excellence in varsity athletics. Its component areas include:

  • Recreation Programming
  • Athletics
  • Student Wellness

Office of the Registrar and Enrolment Management

– led by Wendy Taylor, Acting Registrar

The Office of the Registrar and Enrolment Management will focus on student recruitment and retention efforts to ensure we meet or exceed institutional and provincial goals for domestic and international student enrolment. Its component areas include:

  • Recruitment
  • Undergraduate and Graduate ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø and Records
  • Student Awards and Financial Aid
  • Academic Advising HUM, SCIE, SOSC
  • Student Support Services
  • Curriculum and Calendar and Systems

Campus Engagement

– led by Jim Forbes, Senior Director

Campus Engagement will focus on ensuring that we are delivering on our commitments to provide high quality services to support the diverse needs our campus community. Its component areas include:

  • Food Services
  • Bookstore
  • Childcare Services
  • Printing Services
  • ONECard


Why this change and why now? 
While the Division of Student Affairs has seen some structural and organizational changes in the past, there has not been a significant realignment of divisional structure for 14 years.  These changes are designed to better enable and support our work together and to provide better balance across leadership portfolios. The changes are also designed to position the Division for the future, especially in light of new institutional plans.

What is the timeline for implementing this? What does the summer look like?
Changes to reporting relationships are effective as of June 15, 2023. Steps will be taken over the next couple of weeks to reflect structural changes in administrative processes, practices and functions.  Because we know this process is significant, we expect that the summer months will involve conversations together about how we will be proceeding in the coming months.

How will these changes impact my position? 
Organizations frequently experience change and impacts that require us to examine how we perform our work, our roles and responsibilities, in order to be responsive to the opportunities and challenges we face. The changes being announced today are not intended to affect anyone’s job security.

Have you talked to students?
The identification of key priorities for our division have been emerging over time through discussions with students and our broader community.  These changes centre our students and are reflective of what we have heard from them.

Where is international?
Our commitments to supporting the international student experience are unwavering. Our International Centre for Students remains a central resource and is situated within the Student Development and Success department. In addition, our concentrated international enrolment strategy is a collaborative project with units throughout Student Affairs and throughout the university and will be guided by the forthcoming Global Strategy.

Where is Indigenous?
Our commitments to supporting the indigenous student experience remain strong and unchanged. We will continue to build on our strong working relationship with the VPI portfolio and leadership in that office as well as in the Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement office. We look forward to release of the new Indigenous Plan and our work will be guided by its goals and strategies.

What does this mean for senior leaders in acting roles in STUA?
We currently have two members of the Student Affairs Executive team in ‘acting’ roles. Nicole Greengoe is the Acting Senior Director leading the Wellness, Recreation and Athletics department and Wendy Taylor is the Acting Registrar leading the Office of the Registrar and Enrolment Management. Both individuals are serving in this capacity until August 2024 and decisions related to hiring / appointment processes will be made in advance of their terms ending. 

What is meant by an interdependent culture?
Often characterized as a coaching culture, an interdependent culture, reflects work that occurs across departments, drawing on the strengths and talents of all members of an organization to address the challenges and opportunities they face. It is typically characterized by a culture of feedback, trust, care and collaboration. Interdependent leaders are characterized by high levels of awareness and responsibility, both for their own behaviour and for their team. Individuals in an interdependent culture believe they are truly successful together. Teams feel a strong sense of ownership for performance and believe that high performance can only be achieved as a team. Meaning and purpose unit and teams are self-governed.