
Rajesh Shrestha

Rajesh Shrestha
Research Scientist

BEng (TU), MSc (KIT), PhD (KIT)



PhD, MSc - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

BEng - Tribhuvan University, Nepal


  • Hydrologic, hydraulic and water quality modelling and assessment
  • Impacts of climate variability and change on hydro-climatic systems
  • Hydrologic extreme value analysis
  • Flood and seasonal streamflow prediction systems
  • Statistical and fuzzy methods in water resources systems

 Ongoing Research Activities

  • Impacts of climate variability and change on hydro-climatology and water quality
  • Nonstationary extreme value analysis


  • Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (APEGBC) - Registered

  • International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) - Member

  • American Geophysical Union (AGU) - Member

  • Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) – Member

  • Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA) - Member

  • NSERC Visiting Fellowship in a Canadian Government Laboratory

  • Helmholtz Centre of Environmental Research (UFZ) – Excellence Award

  • University of Karlsruhe – Excellence Awards

  • University of Karlsruhe Rector Fellowship – PhD

  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Fellowship – MSc

Refereed Journals

Shrestha, R.R., M.A. Schnorbus, D.L. Peters. 2016. Assessment of a hydrologic model’s reliability in simulating flow regime alterations in a changing climate, Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.10812.

Kumar, S., F.W. Zwiers, P. A. Dirmeyer, D. M. Lawrence, R.R. Shrestha, A.T. Werner, Terrestrial contribution to the heterogeneity in hydrological changes under global warming, Water Resources Research 52(4), 3127–3142, doi:10.1002/2016WR018607.

Shrestha, R.R., M.A. Schnorbus, A.J. Cannon. 2015. A dynamical climate model driven hydrologic prediction system for the Fraser River, Canada, Journal of Hydrometeorology 16(3), 1273-1292, doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-14-0167.1.

Shrestha, R.R., D.L. Peters, M.A. Schnorbus. 2014. Evaluating the ability of a hydrologic model to replicate hydro-ecologically relevant indicators, Hydrological Processes 28, 4294–4310, doi: 10.1002/hyp.9997.

Shrestha, R.R., M.A. Schnorbus, A.T. Werner, F.W. Zwiers. 2014. Evaluating hydroclimatic change signals from statistically and dynamically downscaled GCMs and hydrologic models, Journal of Hydrometeorology 15(2), 844-860. doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-13-030.1.

Shrestha, R.R., K. Osenbrueck, M. Rode. 2013. Assessment of catchment response and calibration of a hydrological model using high-frequency discharge-nitrate concentration data, Hydrology Research 44(6), 995-1012, doi: 10.2166/nh.2013.087.

Werner, A.T., M. Schnorbus, R.R. Shrestha, H. Eckstrand. 2013. Spatial and temporal change in the hydro-climatology of the Canadian portion of the Columbia River basin under Multiple emissions scenarios, Atmosphere-Ocean, 51(4), 357-379, doi:10.1080/07055900.2013.821400.

Shrestha, R.R., M.A. Schnorbus, A.T. Werner, A.J. Berland. 2012. Modelling spatial and temporal variability of hydrologic impacts of climate change in the Fraser River basin, British Columbia, Canada, Hydrological Processes 26, 1840-1860. doi: 10.1002/hyp.9283.

Shrestha, R.R., Y.B. Dibike, T.P. Prowse. 2012. Modelling climate change impacts on hydrology and nutrient loading in the Upper Assiniboine Catchment, Journal of American Water Resources Association 48(1), 74-89, DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00592.x

Shrestha, R.R., Y.B. Dibike, T.P. Prowse, 2012. Modelling climate induced hydrologic changes in the Lake Winnipeg Watershed, Journal of Great Lake Research 38, 83-94, doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2011.02.004.

Dibike, Y.B., T.P. Prowse, R.R. Shrestha, R Ahmed, 2012. Observed trends and future projections of the hydro-climatic regime of the Lake Winnipeg watershed, Journal of Great Lake Research 38, 72-82, doi:10.1016/j.jglr.2011.04.005.

Prowse, T.P., R.R. Shrestha, B.R. Bansal, Y.B. Dibike, 2010. Changing spring air-temperature gradients on large northern rivers: implications for severity of river-ice floods, Geophysical Research Letters 37, L19706, doi:10.1029/2010GL044878.

Shrestha, R.R., S.P. Simonovic, 2010. Fuzzy nonlinear regression approach to stage-discharge analyses: case study, ASCE-Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 15(1), 49-56, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000128.

Shrestha, R.R., S.P. Simonovic, 2010. A fuzzy set theory based methodology for analysis of measurement uncertainties in river discharge and stage, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 37, 429-439, doi:10.1139/L05-151.

Lee, H., D. Balin, R.R. Shrestha, M. Rode, 2010. Streamflow prediction with uncertainty analysis, Weida catchment, Germany, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 14(3), 413-420, doi: 10.1007/s12205-010-0413-0.

Shrestha, R.R., F. Nestmann, 2009. Physically based and data driven models and propagation of input uncertainties in river flood prediction, ASCE-Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 14(12), 1309-1319, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000123.

Shrestha, R.R., M. Rode, 2008. Multi-objective calibration and fuzzy preference selection of a distributed hydrological model, Environmental Modelling and Software 239(12), 1384-1395, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2008.04.001.

Shrestha, R.R., A. Bárdossy, M. Rode, 2007. A hybrid deterministic - fuzzy rule based model for catchment scale nitrate dynamics, Journal of Hydrology 342, 143-156,
doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.05.020.

Shrestha, R.R., A. Bárdossy, F. Nestmann, 2007. Analysis and propagation of uncertainties due to stage discharge relationship: a fuzzy set approach, Hydrological Sciences Journal 52(4), 595-610, doi: 10.1623/hysj.52.4.595.

Shrestha, R.R., S. Theobald, F. Nestmann, 2005. Simulation of flood flow in a river system using artificial neural networks, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 9(4), 313-321.

Conference Proceedings

Shrestha, R.R, Y.B. Dibike, T.D. Prowse, 2010. Modelling Climate Impacts on Hydrologic Processes in the Lake Winnipeg Watershed, in Swayne, D.A., Yang, W., Voinov, A. A., Rizzoli, A., Filatova T. (Eds.), Proc., 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Shrestha, R.R, Y.B. Dibike, T.D. Prowse, 2009. Application of SWAT in Hydrologic and Nutrient Transport Modelling of the Lake Winnipeg Watershed, in Twigg, K., Swyden, C., Srinivasan, R. (Eds.), Proc., 2009 International SWAT Conference, Boulder, Colorado. Texas Water Resources Institute Technical Report no. 356. 243-251.

Shrestha, R.R., M. Rode, 2007. Modelling catchment scale nutrient transport using a combined process based and data driven approach, in Water Quality and Sediment Behaviour of the Future: Predictions for the 21st Century, IAHS Red book Publ. No. 314-34, 125-134.

Shrestha, R.R., A. Bárdossy, 2006. Uncertainty analysis of a stage discharge relationship: a fuzzy regression approach, in Gourbesville P., Cunge, J., Guinot, V., Liong, S.-Y. (Eds.), Proc., Seventh International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Research Publishing, Chennai, India, 2967-2974.

Shrestha R.R., F. Nestmann, 2005. River water level prediction using physically based and data driven models, in Zerger, A., Argent, R.M. (Eds.), Proc., MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Melbourne, Australia, 1895-1900.

Shrestha, R.R., S. Theobald, F. Nestmann, 2004. Combined hydrodynamic–neural network model for flood flow simulation, in Liong, S-Y, Phoon, K. K. & Babovic, V. (Eds.), Proc., Sixth International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Singapore, 1489-1496.

Shrestha, R.R., 2003. Flood routing using artificial neural networks, Proc., XXX IAHR Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece, 121-126.

Shrestha, R.R., S. Theobald, F. Nestmann, 2002. Flood risk modelling of Babai River in Nepal, in Spreafico, M., Weingartner, W. (Eds.), Proc. International Conference on Flood Estimation, CHR Report II-17, Berne, 679-686.


Technical Reports

Shrestha, R.R., M.A. Schnorbus, A.J. Cannon. F.W. Zwiers, 2015: Simulating the Effects of Climate Change on Fraser River Flood Scenarios – Phase 2, Final Report, Submitted to Flood Safety Section, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, BC, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, 番茄社区, Victoria, BC, 57 pp.

Murdock, T.Q., S.R. Sobie, R.R. Shrestha, M.A. Scnorbus, 2012: Concepts and approaches for regional climate change analysis. Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, 番茄社区, Victoria, BC, 39 pp.

Sobie, S.R., T.Q. Murdock, R.R. Shrestha, M.A. Schnorbus, 2012: Columbia Basin regional climate change analysis for Teck Resources Limited. Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, 番茄社区, Victoria, BC, 179 pp.

Shrestha, R.R., A.J. Berland, M.A. Schnorbus, A.T. Werner, 2011. Climate Change Impacts on Hydro-Climatic Regimes in the Peace and Columbia Watersheds, British Columbia, Canada. Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, 番茄社区, Victoria, BC. 37 pp.

Shrestha, R.R., S.P. Simonovic, 2009. A Fuzzy Set Theory Based Methodology for Analysis of Uncertainties in Stage-Discharge Measurements and Rating Curve. Water Resources Research Report no. 061, Facility for Intelligent Decision Support, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, London, Ontario, Canada, 104 pages. ISBN: (print) 978-0-7714-2707-7; (online) 978-0-7714-2708-4.


3800 Finnerty Road
Victoria BC  V8P 5C2
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