
Frederick J. Wrona

Frederick J. Wrona
Department of Geography, UVic


BSc, PhD - University of Calgary


  • Aquatic Ecology and Eco-Toxicology
  • Biostatistics and Quantitative Ecology
  • Integrated Monitoring Program Design and Application

Ongoing studies/research activities

  • Assessment of the effects of climate change on the stability and dynamics of aquatic food webs
  • Impacts of contaminant stressors on aquatic food web structure and complexity
  • Science assessment of interbasin transfer/bulk water removal
  • Beisner, B.E., E. McCauley and F.J. Wrona. 1996. The influence of temperature and food chain length on plankton predator-prey dynamics. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54: 586-595.
  • Nelson, W.A., E. McCauley and F.J. Wrona. 2001. Multiple dynamics in a single predator-prey system: experimental effects of food quality. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) Series B. 268: 1223-1230.